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2014.09 -- 2014.12  / Semester 1, MA: Design Informatics

小组项目 (4 人) - 项目负责人

Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership 是一个英国爱丁堡的政府城市规划项目,这个项目中包含了几种高难度的城市规划子项目。

项目 “Rate Your Cycle Route” 即为其中一个城市规划项目,是和爱丁堡市议会一起合作完成设计的。项目的最终设计目的是为鼓励更多的爱丁堡城市居民采用自行车作为交通方式出行。* 英国的自行车道路规划和中国的有较大差异,总体和欧洲的类似,因为城市古老,拓宽部分道路狭窄的道路开发新的自行车道路难度颇大,所以自行车骑车的鼓励可以从其他方面入手而非仅仅着眼于基础建设改善,例如,北欧盛行自行车骑行的原因除了合理的道路规划以外,还做了很多自行车鼓励计划项目。

“Rate Your Cycle Route” 是一个可以给Inverleith区内所有cyclepath (自行车车道) 打分的网站,它的打分机制是由影响骑行的六个子因素决定的,每个因素的判断都相可靠,都有特定的算法和资讯来源,而用户自己也可以选择成为影响分数的因素之一。




Demo Version of  Website “Rate Your Cycle Route”


Project Desciption and Project Blog


A Video about the research background and using process for the website. 



More information about data collection, research process and algorithm evolution.


More in-depth investigation for data (multi-authentications toward one kind of data)

Analyse, select and organize data (Analyse six different cyclability factors and create an algorithm to calculate score)

A website that can rate for cycle routes based on different factors



We did a one-day fast investigation about the reasons why citizens in Inverleith don’t cycle by using some investigation methods, such as interview, field visit and literature review. We raised several possible proposals based upon the first investigation outcome.





Hackathon中文直译为编程马拉松或开发设计马拉松。整个设计项目由一天的Fast Hackathon和几个月的Slow Hackathon组成。


There are lots of factors influencing how easy and pleasant it is to cycle in Inverleith.

These factors are subjective and objective.

How can we combine and quantify these factors in a way that is useful and informative?

1. Data Collection and Data Analysis 数据收集和分析

1. 1 VoteBox 投票箱

There are some certain criteria/ factors when we try to evaluate a road whether it is suitable for cycling or not. We want to know which factors are most important to the cyclists, therefore we make a "vote box", and put it during the Inverleith Community Conference and the ground floor of the Evolution House for one week.

The using process of VoteBox is simple and can be finished in one minute. There is a question on the top of the box. We provided 7 choices for people, which are the factors which might influence the cycling. People choose 3 cards from them and throw them into the vote.

Question: what are the top 3 considerations when you are cycling?  请选择自行车骑行时的Top3考量因素

Options: Scenery on the wayside, cyclelanes, signage & navigation for bikes, road smoothness, gradients & slopes of roads; traffic flow.

From the outcome of VoteBox, we find that some factors are more important than others, which are: 

Road Surface Smoothness; Traffic Flow; Road Marking.

All of the questions are some basic questions toward cycling and can be finished by all the people (cyclists / non-cyclists).



This table is the results of one question in questionnaire. This question is to ask people to give a score of the cyclability factors we provide, ten is the highest score, which represents this factor is very important, one is the lowest score.

1.2 Questionnaire 问卷

The result of cyclists is the same with the vote box, people care more about road marking, traffic flow, road surface smoothness. The situation is a little bit different from the perspective of Non-cyclists, but is also similar with the overall situation. 

1.3 BigMap 大数据地图


We also find an issue we overlooked before :The negative dots mainly focus on the intersections. 

1.4 Participants field testing and evaluation 参与者现场试验和评估

We got five participants to finish our “testing and evaluation” task in Inverleith. 

Task for the participants:

-  Ride bike on a road (selected by us).

-  Press the counter button on the bike when they notice cycling signposts

-  After cycling, fill an evaluation form rating the different elements of the roads.

2. Cyclability Factors 影响骑车因素

From the result of several data collection approaches, we choose six cyclability factors that people care about most. 

We rate every cyclability factors in the range of 0-100. 0 means the worst condition, while 100 means the best condition. Then we adjust the algorithm by changing the weight of each factor. 

Judgement Criteria:

We use vibration data (vibrational frequency and  amplitude) as the factor to measure the surface smoothness.


Data Source:

We use the vibration sensor on the bicycle to gather this data.

2.1 Surface Smoothness / 路面平滑程度

Calcalation point (start from 100)

After calculating we found the range of the Vibrating Coeffient is 0-10. So we subtructed 5 points every 0.5 of change in the value.

We acquire the acceleration data of three axes, X,Y,Z with the vibration sensor.

We use X,Y,Z to define Vibration Coefficient to reperesent the smoothness of the road.

Vibration Coefficient is the standard deviation of X,Y,Z. The larger the number is, the less smooth the road is.


2.2 Traffic Flow / 交通流量

As the speed and volume of motor vehicles on a road increases, the greater the safety problems faced by cyclists. 

Data Source:

We use 8:00 am -9:00 am peak time traffic volume as the basic data for traffic volume and use the road speed limitation for the measure standard of the vehicle speed.

1.Use the traffic volume data from the Edinburgh City Council

Calcalation point (start from 100)


Based on the data we collected, the average traffic volume on 8:00am-9:00am peak time are normally between 200-1900, so the calculation above is a reasonable approach for data discrimination.

2.3 Intersection / 交叉路口

Data source:

main roads and local roads can be found in 20mph Network Consultation

Judgement criteria:

We divide all the intersections into two types: Big intersections and small intersections.


X: the number of big intersection

Y: the number of small intersection

Z: the number of items of big intersection


Every road has two main intersections. Each intersection accounts for 50 pints. Intersections of roads are negative for cycling. We substract points because of the intersections, but the items of big intersections can add points.

2.4 Road Marking 路面标记

The road markings are defined as lines, patterns, words or other devices, except signs, for controlling, warning, guiding and informing the cyclists.

Judgement Criteria: We use different elements like type, width and color as the basic to give the points. Each charactertistic represents different value of points. 


Data Source: We will use the data mainly based on the field investigation, with the support of data from Edinburgh City Cycling Map and stree view of Google Maps.

2.5 Road Gradient / 路面坡度


How steep the road is.

Steep grades are a barrier and potential hazard for bike riders. Riders build up speed on steep descents and may have trouble stopping or staying in control. This may lead to serious crashes.


Judgement Criteria:

The average tangent value and max tangent value of slopes(percentage value)

Calculate Point (start from 0)

The Inclination of the steepest road in Inverleith is around 5%.  We subtract 10 points every 0.5% in average. In some areas the slope may become steep rapidly. We subtract 1 point every 1% of inclination on max slope of road.

2.6 Cycling Signpost / 自行车骑行路标


The number of signposts and how recognizable the cycle signposts are for cyclists.

Signage is important while cycling, cyclists could be guided and reminded well by these facilities.


Judgement Criteria:

The number of all the signposts on streets and the number which participant do not notice.

Calculate Point (start from 0)

The max number of signpost we counted on roads is 5.  100 / 5 = 20

We add 20 points to the score of road for each signpost.  if participate  miss one signpost, 10 points will be subtracted. If the signpost is not easy to be noticed, it loses part of its availability.  10 points will be subtracted for each signpost.

3. Algorithm / 算法

Algorithm Calculate Example: Raeburn Place


1. Algorithm after Fast hack: Simply add each factor together.

2.Algorithm after VoteBox & Questionnaire: Proportion of each parameter is added.

3.Algorithm after participatant evaluation: Some adjustment to the each points.


Click any cycle route in the Inverleith, the website would pop up a little window that contains the overall score and detailed score for each cycability factor. Users can also see the tips of this route written by others. 

User can choose the cyclability factors they care and then let the system recommend the cycle routes which are suitable for them.


Finish the information of all the cycle routes in Inverleith (or maybe larger area).


Cycle route recommendation would be based on the location of user.


Real-time traffic status

(connect with google, ect).

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